Pace of Play | eQuinelle Golf Club


Check out some pace tips and our pace of play matricies 




Pace of play continues to be the issue that frustrates club golfers more than any other. Nobody enjoys taking five hours to play 18 holes.  We’ve put together a few simple tips for you to follow that are designed to speed up the game during our league play.


“Your correct position on the course is immediately behind the group in front of you, not immediately in front of the group behind you.”


  • Choose the appropriate tees prior to play.
  • When it’s your turn to play, make sure you’ve already selected your club and have gone through your pre-shot routine.
  • Be sure to play ready golf throughout the round.
  • Keep an eye on where your ball, but also watch where those in your group end up as well.  If you lose your ball, you have 3-minutes to find it.  If you can’t find it, please move forward and place a ball at the nearest point of entry and count 2 strokes.
  • Be aware of golfers behind you throughout the round.  If there’s space in front of you and the group behind is waiting for you to play, you need to pick up the pace or think about letting them playthrough.
  • Please listen to the Player Coordinators on the course.  If they ask you to pick up your pace, they’re doing their job to ensure everyone (including your group) enjoys their game.
  • Do not mark your scorecard while standing on the green.
  • Do not leave your bag and/or cart at the front of the green.  Leave it where you’re going to exit to go to the next tee.
  • Agree in advance whether your group wants to leave the flag in while putting.  Remember that tending the flag does slow things down. It speeds up play if all of you leave the flag in the hole.
  • If you’re having a bad hole, pick up your ball and move forward.  The max scores are a net double bogey for any player.  Par of hole + 2 Strokes + any handicap stroke(s) that the player receives on that hole.


Playing at a better pace is not about hurrying up or rushing around the course. It is simply about being more efficient with your valuable time, as well as everyone else’s. Saving 10 seconds per shot can improve your overall time by 15 minutes. 


Golf is a sport with a long and proud heritage. As well as being a game with a comprehensive set of rules, there is also an established etiquette. These written and unwritten rules dictate how you should behave both on the course and in the clubhouse.


  • Check into the Golf Shop prior to beginning play.
  • A group consists of no more than 4 players for pace purposes.
    • Under no circumstance should there be more than 4 players in a group at anytime.
  • Make sure you come to the course in proper golf attire for the round.
  • Get to the course in plenty of time prior to the round and hit the range if you can.
  • Be sure to introduce yourself to people whom you haven’t met before on the tee.
  • Keep quiet while others are hitting and stay behind and to the side while others play.
  • Wait for every player in the group to tee off before leaving the tee.
  • This ensures no one is feeling rushed and keeps everyone safe throughout the round.
  • Be aware of where you’re walking while on the putting green.
  • Please don’t walk through someone’s line on the putting green, walk around it!
  • Be sure to replace divots and repair ball marks to keep the course looking pristine all season.
  • Always be sure to shake hands at the end of the round.


Let’s work together and remember that it is a game of integrity.  Treat others how you wish to be treated so all golfers have a great experience!