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Thor Guard Lightning Detection System

Lightning Is a Severe Safety Hazard:

  • Players should stop play and seek shelter when lightning is present, even if the lightning signal has not been sounded. The system will go into 'red alert' when an approaching storm is within 8km of the golf course.
  • Players will be warned of lightning in the area by our Thor Guard prediction system which sounds ONE prolonged blast of the horn signalling suspension of play.
  • All players must leave their respective holes or the practice facilities and either return to the Clubhouse or go to an on-course shelter (bathrooms on hole #5 or shelter between the 13th and 16th holes).


When the horn sounds the first tees will be closed.  Play will resume when THREE five-second blasts of the horns indicate it is safe to resume your position on the golf course.

Lightning Safety Tips:


Approaching storms can bring a variety of severe weather which threatens the safety of our patrons. When lightning is present within the eQuinelle community, please seek out:


  • Clubhouse
  • Maintenance buildings
  • On-course buildings
  • Automobiles/trucks
  • Lightning shelters


When one of the above areas is not available within the area, please do your best to seek:


  • Dense woods or low lying areas


When lightning is present during a severe storm on the property, please be sure to avoid the following:


  • Open areas
  • Water
  • Tall trees
  • Metal fences
  • Overhead wires & power lines
  • Elevated ground
  • Golf carts
  • Mowers
  • Cellular phones
  • Radios

If you hear the horn or a warning from the Thor Guard system, members and staff are required to leave the golf course and practice facility, or seek shelter immediately. eQuinelle Golf Club will assume no responsibility for patrons who fail to abide by this directive.